Estructuras dramáticas, teatrales y épicas en ¡Bienvenido, Míster Marshall!
Luis García Berlanga, ¡Bienvenido, Míster Marshall!, theatricality, criticism, charismatic powerAbstract
¡Bienvenido, Míster Marshall! (1952) by Luis Berlanga is usually interpreted as a political film that refers to the political context of the time in which it was made. This often ignores the fact that for long stretches of the film, other themes are foregrounded, especially theatrical play, collective disguise, and deception. These levels of representation will serve as the starting point for an analysis dedicated to the complex theatricality of the film. In doing so, it will be shown how the play opens onto a political level whose subject is not so much contemporary events as the burlesque critique analysis of a particular, charismatic type of power
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